A brief look into the lives of one of my favorite raptor species to call Ohio home, the Red-Shouldered Hawk.
The Sandhill Cranes of Ewing Bottoms, Indiana.
A brief one minute look into the massive migration of Sandhill Cranes that takes place each year in Ewing, Indiana. Compiled of footage taken in between photographing the cranes. As the Eastern population of Sandhill Cranes grows larger more cranes choose to spend their resting and feeding time among the agricultural land here.
Great Parks of Hamilton County Podcast: "Take It Outdoors" Episode 9
I recently had the chance to walk, talk and record a podcast with Great Parks interpreter Paul Seevers. We met at Otto Armleder Park, a busy bustling park in Cincinnati filled with everything from bike trails and soccer fields to natural habitats like prairie, river and forest. We spoke about my wildlife photography and the local raptor population. Raptors have always sparked my interest and I’ve always found myself drawn to them through my photographic journeys. Have a listen and enjoy!
Shorebirds of East Fork State Park's South Beach
A close look at a small selection of visiting shorebirds that we happily welcome our Ohio beaches, marshes, lakes and other waterways during fall migration. All birds in this collection were seen at East Fork SP in Clermont Co Ohio. Birds in order of appearance: Least Sandpiper, Lesser Yellowlegs, Ruddy Turnstone and Willet.
Cincinnati Wild pt.2
In this video I showcase a beautiful Red Tailed Hawk, the Northern Flicker (a personal favorite ant eating woodpecker), the vibrantly iridescent Tree Swallows, a Great Blue Heron catching a small fish out of rushing waters and a recently fledged Coopers Hawk belting out its begging calls. Both near and far the world is a beautifully wild place, lets get out and experience it!
Spring Wildlife of Cincinnati
I've strung together a bit of leftover footage that I had sitting around in this just over a minute long video. In this video you will see some of the most common and recognizable residents of our parks and preserves here in Cincinnati. When something becomes commonplace it can become under appreciated. I believe that all wildlife deserves to be showcased as each and every species is unique and serves its own purpose. I opted not to add music to this one as the sounds of nature can be quite sufficient and much needed at times. I'm working on a longer version currently that will showcase the less often seen marvels that nature offers up to us to observe and to learn from. Featured in this video you will see Canada Geese, the Eastern Cottontail Rabbit, a nesting Killdeer, a Groundhog, a preening Great Blue Heron and a scuffle between two Mallard drakes.
Cincinnati Wild pt.1
Part 1 of a short series I am going to be working on showcasing the local wildlife of Cincinnati. In this short we have some of my personal favorites the Barred Owl and Red Tailed Hawk among others. Have a closer look at some of our local native and non native visiting species that call our local parks and preserves home.
The Red Bellied Woodpecker is a frequent sight at backyard feeders, especially suet cakes, across a large majority of the eastern United States. It is the only zebra striped woodpecker found in those eastern states. These striking beauties are also found in open woodlands with a preference of deciduous trees. In the woods they will forage for insects, nuts, fruits and seeds. They are known to store food along crevices in the bark of trees. The males of this species have an outstanding vibrant red crown and nape while the females only have a red nape and grey crown. Often miscalled or misidentified as a Red Headed Woodpecker, this species gets its name from the faint pinkish red wash on its belly. However, this wash is rarely seen. The Red Bellied Woodpecker is a very noisy and chatty variant of the woodpecker family and the calls are unmistakable once learned. Below are photos of both the male and female of this species. Have you ever seen a Red Bellied Woodpecker in your yard...? Chances are, yes.
GALLERY SHOW at Galaxie Skateshop
Saturday December 10th from 6pm to 11pm I will have a showing of new work hung at The Galaxie Skateshop in Northside, primarily shot around the greater Cincinnati area and some previous work from my travels!
All work will be affordably priced and a handful of randomly selected prints will include a day pass to the Cincinnati Nature Center in Milford Ohio. CNC is one of my favorite and most frequented locations in the city for both hiking and shooting photos. The day passes are good for one car load of people, which normally costs $9 a person.
Come out to see some of the sights that I've been fortunate enough to witness this past year and to learn what all can be found right here around our city...and then get out and hit the trails! We will be closing the night with a new video project from my good friend Joel Blazer. I hope to see you all there!