
Cincinnati Wild pt.2

In this video I showcase a beautiful Red Tailed Hawk, the Northern Flicker (a personal favorite ant eating woodpecker), the vibrantly iridescent Tree Swallows, a Great Blue Heron catching a small fish out of rushing waters and a recently fledged Coopers Hawk belting out its begging calls. Both near and far the world is a beautifully wild place, lets get out and experience it!

In this video I showcase a beautiful Red Tailed Hawk, the Northern Flicker (a personal favorite ant eating woodpecker), the vibrantly iridescent Tree Swallows, a Great Blue Heron catching a small fish out of rushing waters and a recently fledged Coopers Hawk belting out its begging calls. Both near and far the world is a beautifully wild place, lets get out and experience it!